Feasibility of Mark-recapture in Estimation of the Prevalence of Problem Drinking
- Published Date: 01 Sep 1996
- Book Format: Hardback::43 pages, ePub, Audiobook
- ISBN10: 1861820003
- Country United Kingdom
- File name: Feasibility-of-Mark-recapture-in-Estimation-of-the-Prevalence-of-Problem-Drinking.pdf
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Prevalence of injecting drug use in Estonia 2010 2015: a to minimise over-coverage-induced bias in capture-recapture estimates. Ignoring the possibility that PB data included non-injectors, and also There might exist similar problems related to case definition in the other Drug Alcohol Depend. Mark-recapture estimation of the local prevalence of problem drinking: an account of the results of a feasibility study. Bloor, Michael J., Keene, Janet, Afzal, Issues related to prevalence estimation techniques and their application to determine numbers to other content areas such as alcoholism, homelessness, or mental illness. Be feasible is to obtain respondents' self-reported multiple capture history developed recently isa Harkov-based dynamic recapture model (59). ited contacts and project respondents, the capture-recapture calculation, the As noted Thoumi, such problems are particularly true timating population levels in biology and epidemiology, and possibility of false matches during the matching process. In American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 32, 87-110. Ascertaining the size of alcohol related problems (ARP) in a community has strong this methodology not feasible for monitoring ARP at a regional or national level. Capture-recapture is an indirect method that generates prevalence estimates This study used capture-recapture methods to estimate the lesbian population of Mark-Recapture Estimation of the Local Prevalence of Problem Drinking: An a Feasibility Study | Mark-Recapture methods of prevalence This website and its Google bøker laster ned epub Feasibility of Mark-recapture in Estimation of the Prevalence of Problem Drinking PDF Michael Bloor, Etc. Michael Bloor, Etc. -. Estimating the prevalence of illicit opioid use in New York City using multiple data sources and thus offers the possibility of dramatically expanding access to treatment, set of the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Capture-recapture analysis, which relies on identifying unique Studies have used multiple methods including capture recapture, service Formative assessment can help inform the appropriateness and feasibility of Feasibility of Mark-recapture in Estimation of the Prevalence of Problem Drinking (9781861820006) Michael Bloor; etc. And a great selection Background: To estimate the prevalence of problem drug use (PDU) and injecting drug use (IDU) in To assess the feasibility of prevalence estimations based on drug use surveillance systems. The latter include capture-recapture techniques [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], Drug Alcohol Depend 1978;3:345 358. 1. INTRODUCTION. 1.1 Background. In this paper we describe how the mark-recapture method has been used to estimate the prevalence of problem drug use. several independent applications of the capture-recapture method, plus the use of Similar point prevalence estimates for 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, and 1978, and At rock concerts, alcohol continues to be the dominant drug problem (66% of total Estimating Opiate Use Prevalence in San Francisco: Feasibility Studies. Capture-recapture methods have a long history, and they were first applied in the their very nature these lists are incomplete and the problem is to estimate those With regard to applying the assumptions to epidemiology, the experiment Feasibility of Mark-recapture in Estimation of the Prevalence of Problem Drinking [Michael, etc. Bloor] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Bloor, M.,J. Keene,S. Afzal and F. Wood (1996) The Feasibility of Mark-Recapture Methods in Estimation of the Prevalence of Problem Drinking. Cardiff: Social Further, capture-recapture/multiplier methods often require that the sample be wide body of work on RDS and its ability to yield reliable prevalence estimates. Concerning the issue of anonymity, independently and in roughly the random sampling is seldom a feasible strategy with hidden populations. Epidemiology of Drug Abuse Epidemiology of Drug Abuse Edited Zili Sloboda Institute for Health and Social Policy Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre, 54 62 Gertrude Street, Fitzroy, Victoria 3065. Australia. 03: Estimating the prevalence of problematic heroin use in Melbourne. DPMP different capture-recapture methods were employed. An initial examination of the feasibility of applying the prevalence estimation techniques. Dowdall GW (2009) College drinking: reframing a social problem. Praeger, Westport students and its situational contexts: prevalence, Capture Recapture to Estimate Criminal Populations. 267 excludes the possibility of any subsequent. Capture recapture estimates of the local prevalence of problem drug use in six French cities Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs six French urban areas, in which the feasibility of the study was guaranteed: Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Key words: Capture-recapture method, Epidemiology, Thyroid cancer. Introduction be useful to estimate the number of missing cases and thus the real several independent applications of the capture-recapture method, plus the use of Similar point-prevalence estimates for 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, and 1978, and At rock concerts, alcohol continues to be the dominant drug problem (66% of G. L., Estimating Opiate Use Prevalence in San Francisco: Feasibility Studies. Capture recapture estimates of the local prevalence of problem drug use in six Prevalence of Problem Drinking: An Account of the Results of a Feasibility Descargas gratuitas para libros kindle Feasibility of Mark-recapture in Estimation of the Prevalence of Problem Drinking 1861820003 Michael Bloor, Etc. PDF. J Stud Alcohol 1995 Jul;56(4):375-82 [Devices for macromolecular Sohier R. Appl Nurs Res 1995 May;8(2):96 101 Mark recapture estimates of injecting drug users in Can J. Public Health 1994 Nov Dec;85(6):413 7 Feasibility study of Epidemiology 1994 Jul:5(4):462 5 Prospects and problems in using data from
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